Uamuzi Bora

A basic HIV Electronic Medical Record (EMR) system using CakePHP.

View the Project on GitHub uamuzibora/uamuzi-bora

Uamuzi Bora is a pilot medical project to help to prevent and control HIV in Western Kenya. The principle element of the project is the development of a basic electronic medical records system for HIV outpatients, built on top of CakePHP.

Development Hiatus

Whilst a stable build of Uamuzi Bora EMR is currently in active use in Kakamega Provincial General Hospital, further development of the CakePHP application is paused at present whilst the team review progress to date.

The Team

Uamuzi Bora is developed by John Haskew (@johnhaskew), Kenrick Turner (@kenners), Gunnar Rø (@Gulfa), and Andrew Ho (@andrewlkho).

Competing Interests

Uamuzi Bora is a voluntary project, with the developers contributing in their free time without remuneration. The initial cost of deployment to Kakamega Provincial General Hospital was generously met by Vestergaard Frandsen, a for-profit company manufacturing disease control textiles.

All source code is released under the BSD License.

Support or Contact

Documentation is slowly being established on the wiki. Bugs and other problems should be reported by creating a new issue. We'd be delighted to hear from you if you've got any feedback, suggestions or ideas - contact